It has been a few days since my last post and I have so much to catch you up on! Firstly, we took Juliet swimming for the first time this past weekend. We have a pool in our condo building and it is a saltwater pool that is kept fairly warm, so we thought we'd take Juliet in and see how she'd do. We thought we'd be in the pool for 5 minutes maximum since Juliet doesn't exactly love the bath, but turns out she did pretty well in the pool and I think we were in there for about 20 minutes. Truthfully, she seemed kind of indifferent to it - she didn't cry but she didn't exactly laugh either - but that was a good enough reaction that I think we'll continue trying to take her swimming on a regular basis.
Leo tried to teach her to go on her stomach and kick her legs. |
Her bathing suit is so cute - pink with ruffles. |
I sort of got ahead of myself there, so let me go backwards and finish updating you on our trip to Oma's last week. Last Wednesday, we went to visit Juliet's great Nana and had supper at her place. It's always fun to visit with great Nana and hear what she has been up to.
Juliet with great Nana. |
Juliet sits with Oma at great Nana's. Right before I took this picture, Oma had a spoon in Juliet's hand and was pretending to demand food by rapping the table with the spoon. "Give me food!" |
Juliet was really good in the car on the way home from Oma's. She was quiet for the first half hour and then slept for the rest of the 2.5 hour drive. I think the key with car trips with her is that we have to leave fairly early (by 10am-ish) so that she'll sleep most of the way.
This weekend was nice so we went for a walk on Bayview on Saturday. Then, we went to Queen East to my favorite burger joint in Toronto - The Burger's Priest. We tried out using the stroller without the car seat attachment for the first time since Juliet's such a big girl and able to hold up her head. She looked pretty tiny in the big stroller:
It was so nice out that we decided to pick up some beer and wine for later :) |
On Sunday, grandpa and Aunt Shona came to visit and brought a swing so that Juliet could try it out. Her reaction was similar to her reaction to swimming - sort of indifference. She was sort of cranky for some reason and poor grandpa seemed to take it personally. It's hard not to take it personally when you're the one she cries with, but sometimes she's just cranky and it's the luck of the draw if you happen to be carrying or sitting with her at the time.
Here she is in the swing. There are two little stuffed frogs that hang down, which Juliet promptly shoved into her mouth. Mmmmmm...frogs legs... |
And finally, here's a close up shot to end today's update - check out those eyes! Whenever we're out with her, they're always the first thing that people comment on.
Gotta love BLUE EYES!!!!