Yesterday, Juliet and I attended a Salsa Babies class. I wasn't sure exactly what it was - I was attending as a guest of my friend Sylwia who joined this class which runs 8 or 10 weeks. Turns out it's a class of about 20 moms (and babies) who do salsa dancing while wearing their babies in a carrier. It's kind of similar to aerobics, although not quite as bouncy. I don't have any kind of dance background, so I sort of felt like I had two left feet. The instructor would have to show us the choreography a couple of times and even then I didn't always get it. I think it's the sort of thing that would be really easy to pick up if you had taken dance classes as a kid, but it wasn't so easy for me. I made a mental note that we should put Juliet into dance classes so that she's not a klutz like her mom.
Nonetheless, I had fun and I think it was a great workout. By the end, most of the babies (including Juliet) had fallen asleep in all the carriers because of all the movement. And I was so sweaty that Juliet was wet from all the sweat and I thought she had leaked through her diaper, but really it was just my sweat that soaked through to her. Gross!
Here are a few of the moms I met, along with their babes. My friend Sylwia and her baby, Gabriel, are on the far left. I don't know why I'm standing funny in this picture. |
Sylwia's husband, Mitch, holds Juliet. He's really tall - like definitely way over 6 feet - so I think Juliet was seeing the world from a high place for the first time and was mesmerized by the view. |
I 100% support Juliet being put in dance classes! Please don't just put her in anywhere though --- there are good studios and then well.... not so good studios... and I believe I can be a snob about this seeing that I danced for so many years!