On Friday, we went to visit Juliet's grandpa and aunt Shona in Oakville. Leo took the GO Train to Oakville after work and so I asked my dad if I could leave Juliet with him while I went to pick up Leo from the GO station and run an errand. He was like, "Well, is she going to cry?" I couldn't guarantee that she wouldn't cry!
My dad ended up agreeing to have Juliet stay with him and, of course, she ended up crying. Luckily, Aunt Shona came home from work soon afterwards and was able to calm Juliet down. We would like to use grandpa's babysitting services in the future so I hope he's ok with the possibility that Juliet might get fussy under his watch.
"I'm a baby - sometimes I cry." |
After visiting grandpa and aunt Shona, we went to a housewarming party for Toby and Christa, also in Oakville. There was another mom there so she tried to talk to me about mom stuff. I have learned that even though I'm a mom, I don't want to talk about mom stuff with strangers. If I don't know you, I don't want to talk about your awesome daycare, that you had to work hard to give your baby a soother (?), and how many words your baby can say compared to your friends' babies.
I escaped the mommy to go hang out with the boys and Juliet. I never thought I would prefer watching sports to something else, but apparently watching sports is preferable to banal mommy chat. |
Yesterday, we went to Chrissy and Trevor's new house for dinner. We wanted to have wine with dinner so we walked to their place and it ended up being a half hour walk. I'm glad that we now have friends living so close by - it was nice to be able to walk there as opposed to drive. Although it did feel kind of strange walking home at midnight with her in the stroller.
Mmmmm...Trevor made chocolate mousse for dessert. |
Today, we tried Juliet in the Jolly Jumper for the first time. She didn't really jump per se, she just sort of stepped around in circles. I think she'll enjoy it as part of her daily routine. We need to teach her to walk flat on her feet since she tends to walk using the tips of her toes. Maybe she'll grow up to be a prima ballerina!
As soon as I read that she walks on tip toes - BALLERINA/DANCER jumped through my mind..... she's got some good genetics for it!! I use to walk on my tip toes!!!