Well, tomorrow is the big day - Juliet starts daycare. Tonight we've spent the evening preparing...it really feels like the first day of school or something. She has a whole list of things she has to bring tomorrow (diapers, wipes, extra clothes, pictures of us, etc.). As I type this, Leo is folding her clean laundry, so we're almost ready.
Let's take a step back and go through what Juliet did this past weekend. On Saturday morning, Leo took her to music class. Then, in the early afternoon, we went to a church fair where they were selling used items and we picked up a few things for Goobs, including a sleepsack for $3 (they retail for $70 new!). It was a nice day, so we went for a stroll along Bayview, and when we came home, we headed over to Sylwia's for Gabriel's first birthday party. We had fun and Juliet even tasted some of Gabriel's birthday cake! It was really rich and I think she might have had a sugar high afterwards. She got kind of hyper and was difficult to handle, so I think we'll have to be careful with giving her too much sugar. While we were there, she also had a piece of an orange for the first time, which she seemed to like. I have since bought an orange and tried to give it to her and she refuses to eat it (of course!). Maybe the daycare will have better luck in getting her to eat fruit.
Leo looks through some used books and VHS tapes at the church fair. |
This was taken on our walk along Bayview. I took the picture in front of this store because I love the Hydrangeas in the background. |
At Gabriel's birthday party: shoulder fight with the birthday boy.
It looks like Gabriel and Mitch were winning! |
There were several kids play areas at the party, including a water table. Juliet just played with the toys but wasn't interested in splashing around with the water. |
On Saturday night, Grandma came over and babysat which gave Leo and I a chance to go out and see a movie (The Hunger Games). On Sunday, Grandma also babysat Juliet as Leo and I went out to brunch and then to go visit our friends Chrissy and Trevor.
Grandma took this pic of Juliet after feeding her lunch. |
Today, Juliet and I went to the dentist - we both had appointments. It was sort of a lapse in judgement on my part as I realized that I had booked our appointments for the same time which doesn't really work when one of those appointments is for a baby. I would need to sit with and hold Juliet as the dentist examined her, so we couldn't realistically have appointments at the same time. I knew Juliet's appointment would only take a few minutes but mine would take close to an hour (because hers just involved a quick check as opposed to a cleaning) so I had no idea how I was going to amuse Juliet while I sat in that dentist chair. I was really nervous that the whole thing was going to be a disaster, but luckily Juliet got up really early this morning, so she was ready for a nap just as we were on our way to the dentist. She ended up napping in the stroller as I was getting my teeth cleaned, and woke up about 5 minutes before the hygienist was done which was fine. Her appointment was next and everything looked great. The hygienists, the secretaries, and the other people in the waiting room were all charmed by her smile.
Juliet sits with the secretary at our dentist's office. |
Wish us luck tomorrow :)
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