Right after we arrived, Juliet sat with one of the teachers and played happily. |
As had I prepared to take her there in the morning, I wondered whether I should put on mascara as I thought it would likely end up all down my face as I cried my way home. But as it turns out, she did so well there that I didn't end up being sad at all when I left her - instead, I was proud.
One of the comments from the daycare workers was that Juliet was such a happy girl. Apparently, when they took the babies for a walk, they put Juliet in the coveted position of the front of the stroller, and passersby would comment on how smiley and happy our little Juliet was. This made me feel good about her being there.
Today was Juliet's second day of daycare and it also went well. She was there for much longer today - from about 9am to close to 2pm. She did really well again, although the daycare workers had trouble getting her to nap - she refused to go to sleep in her designated crib. That's totally my fault, though, as I am still nursing her to sleep for most of her naps (and the other naps are either in the car or on walks). I don't think she cried while she was there, which is totally amazing to me given how much she hated the caregivers at my mom group and would cry almost the whole time she was in their care. Turns out she doesn't have stranger danger after all - she just hates certain strangers!
The daycare creates reports every day where parents can see how their child did that day and in today's report, they wrote, "Great second transition day! We are so happy to have Juliet and your family in our class.". Awww...so nice!
After picking Juliet up from daycare today, I brought her home and she had a playdate with my friend and colleague, Erica and her son, Ben. Juliet is kind of grabby but luckily Ben is grabby, too, so they enjoyed poking each others' faces. In between all the grabbing, they both took a moment to enjoy some Mum Mums.
Mmmmm...these crackers have no flavour but they are fun to crunch on. |
Hello Elise -- Ted Stuebing of Homefront and the South Bayview Bulldog here. Hope all is well and that you have not stopped posting.