Well, the big news is that we found out that Juliet got into our first choice for daycare - it's the one that just opened up last September and the best part is that it's a 3 minute walk from our new house. I know four other people whose kids go there and they are happy with the quality of care. Juliet and I did a tour a couple of months ago and liked it, so Leo and I are comfortable with the decision to send her there. The only bad part is that Juliet's space is available earlier than we thought - about a month earlier - so it's sort of sad that we will have to make this transition earlier than planned. The flip side of that is that I will go back to work a bit earlier but will have some vacation that I will not have used up, so I will have a bit more time with Juliet over the summer when I can take some of that vacation. But the countdown is on...Juliet starts daycare a week from tomorrow.
Grandma came across some of my old baby clothes so here is Juliet in some pyjamas that are over 30 years old! |
Leo and I were calling her 'Spider Goobs' in this outfit. |
Juliet has been on a few mini road trips over the past week or so. Last weekend she and Leo went to Oma's and visited Aunt Laura who was recovering from being sick. While she was at Oma's, Leo reports that she loved the freedom to crawl around and she impressed everyone with her huge appetite. She tried sausage for the first time and liked it. She also ate some broccoli but would tend to eat all the sausage first before eating the broccoli.
Juliet got to spend some time with her Great Nana while she was at Oma's, as everyone went out for breakfast. Juliet tried ham for the first time. |
Juliet spent some time with Aunt Laura and we all hope that she is recuperating nicely.
Note that only a man (ahem, Leo) would pair that lilac sweatshirt with that colourful jumper. |
This trip was also a bit of a milestone for us because it was Juliet's first night away from me (and thus breastfeeding). I stayed with Grandma and helped her prepare her house for sale, so I wasn't able to make it to Oma's. We were all a little nervous about how Juliet would do without her usual middle-of-the-night breastfeeding, but I'm told she did pretty well. Leo was able to give her some pumped breastmilk via a sippy cup and rock her back to sleep. And for the first time in almost a year, I was able to have a full night's sleep (theoretically...my body is used to waking up, so I still woke up a few times throughout the night). Poor Leo was so tired that he went to bed the next night at 10:30pm which is just about the earliest I've ever seen him go to bed! Maybe we should do this more often so that he gets more practice waking up throughout the night :)
Juliet also visited Anjana, Bryce and young Nayan last week. We didn't get any pictures of the two babies together (sorry!) but poor Nayan did not like Juliet's vocal screeches. Sometimes she can be quite loud - she's not upset, she's just communicating - but Nayan is 4 months old and her noises were just too scary for him. While we were there, we had takeout Indian food and Juliet had some butter chicken which she loved. Even though she doesn't love vegetables, Juliet doesn't seem to have a problem with trying foods with different spices and sauces.
Last week we also visited Sylwia and Gabriel. Gabriel just turned one last week. It really is hard to believe that a little over a year ago, Sylwia and I were doing pre-natal yoga and had no idea what we were in for (well, at least I didn't!), and now we have one year olds! It's crazy. Anyhow, after some initial tears (Juliet had just woken up from a too-short nap), the two babies played well alongside each other. And the playdate gave me and Sylwia a chance to compare notes on everything from food habits to daycare to sleeping tips.
Gabriel: "What'd I do??? I just want you to come out and play!" |
...eventually, Juliet turned into the aggressor... |
....awww...and then they played nicely together. |
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