Thursday, 5 January 2012

Happy New Year

Ok, I know it's a little late for a New Year's post, but better late than never, right? 

On New Year's Eve, grandma came over and all 4 of us went for dinner to McSorley's (a pub) on Bayview.  One of the waiters saw Juliet and offered to get her a balloon.  I thought to myself that she was probably too young to play with a balloon but turns out she enjoyed playing with it after all.  Yes, mommy is wrong sometimes.  ;)

When we came back from dinner, I fed Juliet and we put her to bed which gave Leo and I a chance to go over to our friends Christine and Trevor's place while grandma watched over Juliet.

Here we are after coming home from dinner on New Year's Eve.

This is actually a picture of Nayan (Anjana and Bryce's baby).  I came across this picture on his facebook page and see from the note that Juliet must have snuck out on New Year's and met up with Nayan.  Looks like they did some hard partying - Juliet's in BIG TROUBLE.  I hope Juliet's other boyfriend (Gabriel) doesn't see this picture!
Other than the New Year's festivities, the past few days for us have been all about trying to get Juliet to eat more solid foods.  As I mentioned, she really hasn't been sleeping well (about 2-2.5 hours at a time) and so I think that maybe she's burning lots of calories now that she's crawling and so she needs to increase her food intake.  So in the past week we've been trying really hard and have given her the following foods with varying degrees of success: carrots, squash, apples, bananas, hummus and chicken, and of course baby cereal (rice/oatmeal).  We've also given her little scraps of whatever we're eating (pieces of rice, broccoli). The weird thing is that she only really seems interested at dinnertime - in the mornings, she'll eat one bite and that's it.  And something she loves one day (hummus), she just won't be interested in it the next day.  It's been very slow going so far.
Leo feeds Juliet some roasted chicken, which she actually seemed to like.  At least at the time, anyway.

Luckily my friend Miwa is bringing her high chair over tomorrow - I think Juliet is ready since she keeps reaching for food while she's sitting in her bouncer (don't worry, she's strapped in).

The obligatory baby-with-food-on-face shot.  In this case, it's sweet potatoes.  Sometimes food even ends up up her nose!

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