Juliet's world continues to revolve our various activities and, of course, food. We keep trying to encourage her to take in more and more solids with varying degrees of success.
Last Saturday, Grandpa and Aunt Shona came over to spend some time with Juliet and help with some projects around the house (installing a second baby gate and some towel bars). Shona helped feed Juliet and we tried to get her to eat an Arrowroot cookie. Juliet isn't into peas. I don't blame her.
Juliet doesn't seem overly excited at eating an Arrowroot cookie. |
Later that night, Leo, Juliet and I went out to dinner to a Mexican restaurant with our friends Chrissy and Trevor. Chrissy and Trevor do not have kids, so I'm always hyper aware of Juliet's behaviour when we're out with them. She did really well at dinner, especially considering we left the restaurant at about 9pm which is her usual bedtime. She was getting restless but wasn't crying or anything, so it wasn't too bad. It's great having her around when I have something on my plate that I don't want, because I just let her try it. At the restaurant I gave her a bunch of my avocado and she really liked it. I think I'm going to buy an avocado and give it to her again. I've never purchased one, though, so I don't even know how to cut it.
Juliet and Leo at the Mexican restaurant. She's just drinking water. |
On Monday evening, grandma came over for a visit and she fed Juliet as well. Whatever she was eating in this picture she liked - I think it was sweet potatoes - but when we gave her some of our own mashed potatoes that we were eating for dinner, she HATED it. It was so weird. I used Yukon Gold potatoes, so maybe that was it?
Grandma shows Juliet how to open up wide. |
And here's a random picture of Juliet taken when we went out to brunch this past weekend. I love her lilac gap hoodie. I think lilac looks good with her eyes.
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