Today, Juliet and I went to a baby shower for my friend, Anjana. It was great because everyone at the shower was in baby mode so they all oohed and aahed over Juliet and wanted to take turns holding her. She was good for the most part - she got a bit cranky when some people held her, but that's understandable because they were strangers. My friend Rebecca was there and she held Juliet a lot and Juliet didn't mind at all.
Rebecca holds Juliet. |
Anjana (left) and Gina (right), who hosted the shower. In the background, Rebecca is holding Juliet. |
Gina's sister made these awesome cupcakes.
That's a chocolate chip cookie as the mouth
and the eyes are a white chocolate wafer with
a chocolate chip for the pupil. I took one home
for Leo and he thought it was cool, too. |
Yesterday, Leo and I needed to run some errands for our upcoming move, so grandma came over to take care of Juliet while we were out. They went swimming and Juliet got so pooped out that she fell asleep on the walk from the pool back to our condo.
Grandma and Goobs. Note in the background our condo is full of boxes. |
On Friday, my friend Christine had a girls night at her new house and I brought Juliet for part of it. It's something we used to do more regularly - get a bunch of girls together, order take out, have a few drinks, gossip - but gets harder to organize as we've grown older and gotten married, had kids, etc. Anyhow, it was really fun, and everyone thought Juliet was cute. She had a bit of a rough day sleep-wise as she napped for only about 10 minutes all day and got really overtired. We've since gotten her back to a better schedule and seems more rested.
Leo came to pick us up at Christine's and we got a rare photo of the 3 of us. |
As always, I've saved the best picture until last. Before going to Christine's, Juliet was doing some tummy time at home and was in a great mood and I got this picture:
P.S. We take possession of our new house tomorrow! Yay! We're not moving in right away but we're still SUPER excited!
Whoever got Juliet that Dr. Seuss outfit must be an awesome individual! haha... love that you guys actually put her in the outfit!