Wednesday, 9 November 2011

6 Months

Happy 6 month birthday, Juliet!

It's hard to believe that Juliet is already 6 months old.  Yesterday, I took her for her 6 month check-up at the doctor.  She weighed 15 pounds, 2 ounces and was 66 centimetres long.  Both stats are apparently at the 50th percentile, so the doctor was happy with her progress.  Juliet got 1 vaccination (I forget which one) but was totally fine - she didn't even notice the needle going in.

Today we went to post-natal yoga.  Juliet was being quite fussy as she was really tired but wasn't able to nap while at yoga.  Luckily the other babies there were also being fussy today, so everyone understood.  At some point I was doing yoga and I looked up and I realized I was the only one left doing it at that particular time - all the other moms were tending to their babies.

One thing that's kind of new is that Juliet is getting more and more mobile.  She can really pivot while on her tummy.  I can leave her in one position, walk away, and 2 minutes later she's in a totally different position.  Soon she'll be crawling!  This is exciting but also daunting as we'll have to babyproof our new house.

On to the pictures...
Juliet sits really nicely in the Bumbo chair now.  Remember when she just sort of slumped over in it?

"Yay!  This is a fun ride on daddy's legs.  Weeeeeeeee!"

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