After Juliet's bath last night we gave her a comb-over and she did her best Donald Trump impression:
"You're Fired!" |
We're planning on turning this blog into a book once I'm done my mat leave. Do you think when Juliet reads this 20 years from now she'll get the reference? Me neither.
Anyhow, yesterday we went to the bank to open up a RESP for Juliet. The bank worker was somewhat incompetent so it took over an hour when it should have taken about 15 minutes. During that time, Juliet smiled, puked, and slept (in that order).
"1.25%? Really??? That's a terrible interest rate, dad. Let's leave." |
Today we went to look at SUVs as our Saturn sedan is getting a little cramped with the car seat and stroller. No deals yet, but stay tuned.
Juliet fell asleep at the dealership in her new "donut" bed thingy. We just left her in the waiting area while we negotiated with the salesman and she slept nicely. Just kidding! Grandma came along and watched Juliet while we negotiated. |
And just to end on a happy note, here's a picture we took yesterday of Juliet with a big smile:
I love her gummy smile. |
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