Tuesday, 16 August 2011

Where's Juliet?

I haven't posted for a few days but that isn't because Juliet hasn't been busy.  Last week, grandma came to spend the day and we went to the nail salon to get manicures and pedicures.  Here's little Juliet picking her polish - she chose a hot pink shade, perfect for summer!
Ok, just kidding, Juliet didn't get her nails done.  She sat with grandma as grandma got her pedicure and was pretty well behaved.  On a side note, there was a 3-year old getting her nails done at the station next to me, so I couldn't help but wondering whether that would be Juliet in 3 years (hopefully not, it was kind of pretentious).
Here's Juliet sleeping on grandma after our trip to the salon.
Last Friday, Juliet and I went to visit one of my colleagues who had twins that are now 6 months old.  I wondered how chaotic and different it would be with twins, and sure enough, it seemed pretty crazy even though the twins were well behaved.  The interesting thing about the twins is that they are of mixed race - the mother is Chinese and the father is Portuguese - and the twins look nothing alike.  They don't even look like siblings, let alone twins.  I didn't get a picture of them but her is a pic of Juliet hanging at their condo.

She's like, "Hey, this isn't my stuff.  Where am I? And who are those other babies?"

After the visit, we went to grandpa's for a BBQ.  There wasn't any particular reason - just an excuse for Grandpa and Aunt Shona to visit with Juliet.

On the weekend, we did some more purging of our belongings to continue to make room for Juliet and all of the "stuff" that seems to come with babies.  We cleaned out our front hall closet to see if we could get rid of some shoes.  Guess how many pairs of shoes we'd accumulated?  20?  30?  40?  The answer is 48 pairs. 
Of those 48 pairs, 33 or 69% were mine, so I can't blame Leo on all those shoes.  After throwing some out and donating some to charity, we were still left with 29 pairs which I'm not proud of - I wish I could have reduced it further, but it's so hard to part with some shoes!

Can you find Juliet?  Ok, so she's not that hard to find.  But the point is that we have a lot of shoes.

1 comment:

  1. If you hadn't said "where's Juliet" I don't think I would have seen her!!! We should find out if we have the same shoe size because I have like zero shoes - I'm willing to be charity! haha
