Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Young Love

We bought a car!  We finally completed the deal yesterday after the dealership capitulated and agreed to our demands.  Well, really my demands - Leo wanted to get the deal done on Saturday but I was being stubborn.  So we will be proud new owners of a Nissan Rogue once the dealership can locate one for us, hopefully in the next few weeks. 

Juliet came with us to do the final paperwork at the dealership and lucky for me she pooped and was hungry so I was able to get out of sitting in the office when the sales guy tried to tack on the extended warranty, rust proofing, upholstery protection, etc.  Boring!  Leo had to sit through it, though, and nod politely while not listening.

Other than that, here's what we've been up to.  On Sunday night, we had Thad and Miranda over for dinner.  I made ribs.  Miranda held Juliet and was really good with her:
"Enough with the camera, mom!"
And today I went to visit my friend Sylwia and her son Gabriel.  Sylwia and her husband have been successfully sleep training Gabriel and he was in great spirits for our visit.  We put him and Juliet together on the bed and although it started out with some crying, by the end they were holding hands!  I swear we didn't position them that way - they just were lying next to each other and found each others' hands. 

Speaking of sleep training, Juliet has actually been sleeping pretty well lately.  Generally she will go to bed at 11pm, sleep until 6am - get up for 20 mins to eat - and then go back to bed until about 10:30am.  Not bad!  She hardly naps during the day, though, and there isn't any real schedule for those naps.

She reached a milestone today - she flipped over from her back to her tummy for the first time.  It's exciting to reach this milestone but it means we have to be more careful when she's on the change table or couch - she could just flip off.

1 comment:

  1. You guys should come visit London.. I swear its a great place to be! lol
