Tuesday, 12 July 2011

Tummy Time

We weren't sure how Juliet would do today, given that she got her first shots yesterday.  She seemed almost completely normal - the only thing that was different was that she slept less than she usually does, which meant that I had to spend more time entertaining her and finding things to do.  It was too hot to go outside with her (35 degrees with the humidex), so we just hung out at home. 

One of the things that we did today was tummy time.  For those of you who aren't familiar with it, basically it's recommended that babies spend at least 30 minutes a day on their tummies.  In the olden days (like when Leo and I were babies) parents were told to put their babies to sleep on their tummies.  But when the recommendation changed and parents were told to get their babies to sleep on their backs, they found that babies were not reaching certain milestones as quickly like crawling and holding their heads up because their neck muscles weren't developed.  Also some babies were getting flat heads from laying on the backs of their heads for too long. 

So now we're told to give our babies tummy time.  Juliet absolutely hates tummy time - she wimpers and eventually cries and generally we can only get her to do it for 5 minutes or less at a time.  Nevertheless, she's getting stronger and is doing mini push ups - look how high she got today!

"I hate tummy time but I have to admit it's working!"

"Yay!  Tummy time is over for today!"

1 comment:

  1. Hi Everyone,
    So glad you are blogging so I can see what's happening with my granddaughter. She looks adorable in the picture above. She is such a happy baby... Mom and Dad are doing a great job. I'm just glad I didn't have to torture Elise like you're doing to Juliet!
