Monday, 4 July 2011

Carrier Time

Yesterday was one of those Sundays where we spent the day cleaning and running errands.  It was really too bad since it was so nice out yesterday but it just really needed to be done so we had to bite the bullet and do it.  We were too busy to cook so we decided to walk over to Swiss Chalet for dinner (for which we used a gift card from Juliet's aunt Laura - thanks!).

We decided to use a carrier to bring Juliet to Swiss Chalet in since it's such a short walk, and Leo wore it.  Isn't it so much nicer when dads are carrying the baby?  For some reason, people think it is.  It's not just the carrier, either.  Whenever Leo is with Juliet, people (mostly women) just flock to him and ooohhh and ahhhh over him and the baby.  People are so easily impressed when dads take an active role in parenting.  Which is nice and all, but hey, Juliet's mom does stuff, too!  Can't I get a little love? 

Leo with Juliet in the carrier in the Swiss Chalet parking lot.
Awww...hi Juliet!

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