We continue to settle into our new home and have been quite busy cleaning, painting, and unpacking. This past weekend we spent all day on Saturday just running errands like going to Home Depot and Costco. There's still a lot to do but the house is starting to take shape. Juliet's blinds got delivered and installed yesterday and Leo & grandma set up her crib last night, so right now Juliet is napping in her room for the first time.
Yesterday, Juliet and I went to a mommy group in our new neighbourhood. Part of the class was "baby yoga" but Juliet had a mind of her own and didn't really want to participate. She wasn't fussy or anything - she just didn't want to move her limbs the way the teacher was trying to get us to do. I don't blame Juliet, though - it was pretty silly. Last week's class was better - the lady that runs a local music/singing program was there and Juliet liked that much better. She liked it so much that we decided to sign her up for classes on Saturday mornings. This is something she'll do with Leo so it will give them some quality daddy-daughter time. It starts in about 3 weeks.
Grandma came over on the weekend to help with painting and again last night and she gave Juliet a bath. Juliet really likes baths, now. In the early days sometimes she would cry but last night she liked just splashing around. I think she's getting big for the separate baby bath tub - we'll move her to just the regular tub pretty soon.
Juliet sticking her tongue out with grandma. Grandma brought over a Christmas tree but we don't have it set up properly - only 1/3 of the lights are working. Ah, another thing on our to-do list. |
The tongue theme continues. Juliet is sort of sitting by herself - she's still wobbly but she's getting there. |
I thought I'd put this closeup so that you can see her pretty blue eyes. Note that you can tell this picture was taken post-bath since her hair is combed to the side. |
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