Tuesday, 27 December 2011

First Christmas

The past few days have been a bit of a whirlwind, but Juliet has had a great first Christmas.  We're still at Oma's - heading home tomorrow - but I thought I'd provide a quick update of what we've been up to.  We have quite a few pictures to share so why don't we start there.
Grandma came over on December 23rd and her and I had a bit of a bake-a-thon.  Here's Juliet playing with one of the measuring spoons.

On Christmas Eve we dressed Juliet up in a cute little polo dress (Leo wore a matching polo golf shirt) and we all went to Grandpa and Aunt Shona's for dinner.

Hangin' with dad at Grandpa and Aunt Shona's.  That's Grandma's stylish shoe in the foreground.
Juliet met Aunt Shona's mum and brother, John (in this picture) and friends Chris and Biddy.  Juliet must have been excited to meet all these new friends since she had trouble going to sleep at bedtime and wanted to stay up and hang out with the adults.  I failed at getting her to sleep so Leo went upstairs and tried and was eventually successful.

On Christmas morning, Juliet opened this present from grandma.  It was a hand-knitted blanked and a quilt to match Juliet's room.

And also this bib.  So cute!

Later on Christmas Day, we went to Leo's nana's for dinner and then to Oma's.  The next morning, the extended family came to Oma's for brunch.  Here's Juliet's great-nana teaching Juliet to walk.
Oma and Aunt Laura play with Juliet's new doll with Juliet.  The doll has a maniacal laugh and even burps.

Juliet with dad and her new doll.

Leo straps Juliet into Oma's high chair that Leo used when he was a baby (Aunts Paula and Laura used the same one, too). 

Juliet met her Great Uncle Steve for the first time.

Juliet with her "baby's first Christmas" ornaments.  The two bottom middle teeth are still the only ones that have come through.

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