Wednesday, 8 February 2012

Independence Day

It's funny, it's taken about 9 months but Juliet and I are now pretty settled into a routine at this point.  We have our daily activity on most days which we work around Juliet's 2 daily naps (one in late morning, one in late afternoon).  She goes to bed around 8:30pm and gets up around 7:30am with one feeding in between.  Of course, now that I've written all of that, I'm sure she'll throw me through a loop and change our little schedule :)

Yesterday morning was swimming and Juliet is doing well and making progress.  She continues to close her eyes and hold her breath when we dunk her.  The instructor even remarked on how much she has improved.  She went down the slide for the first time (with someone holding her the whole time) and did well enough that the instructor said we could let her "fall" under the water the next time.  I was nervous, but she did it with no complaints.

After swimming, we quickly came home because my friend Sonal came over for lunch.  I thought Juliet would be napping after her swim, but I guess she wanted to stay awake to visit with Sonal because she refused to go to sleep!
Then today we gave storytime at the local library another shot.  I didn't like it last time because there were WAY too many moms there (over 20).  This time was much better - maybe only 10-12 moms, so there was room for the babies to crawl around and sort of interact.  The babies don't seem to care much for the stories, but they like the parts where we sing songs.  Interestingly, Juliet showed a certain degree of independence while we were there - she would venture out onto the blanket while most of the babies stayed at the sides with their moms.  After a couple minutes, she would crawl back to me but then venture out again.  Good job, Juliet!
"Hey there, Mr. Mom!"

"Hmmm...that story about Goldilocks was very thought provoking.  Today's kids have such a sense of entitlement!"

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