Whew! It's been almost 2 weeks since my last update. Things have been really busy. Yesterday we had a small Super Bowl party and it's the first time we've done any real entertaining at our new house. Everything went well and Juliet hung out with the guys while I went out and got the wings that we pre-ordered.
Can you spot Goobs in the sea of football-lovin' men? |
What else have we been up to? Well, Juliet had her first Dentist visit but unfortunately it wasn't under the most pleasant of circumstances. You see, she's at the age where she's constantly trying to pull herself up on things. We were bathing her one night last week and she grabbed for the shampoo bottle and slipped and knocked her front teeth - I think on the side of the tub. Honestly, it all happened so fast. It was scary - she was bleeding and crying and Leo and I felt awful. That night she slept fine but we kept a close watch on her and in the morning we took her to the dentist. She did really well - the dentist told me to expect some screaming and crying as he checked her out - but she was fine. The dentist didn't see any movement in her teeth, so that's a good sign. From here we just need to monitor her for any signs of infection and we're to bring her back to the dentist in 3 months.
Ok, back to more pleasant things. I think I mentioned last time that I was going to move Juliet's swimming lessons to an earlier time, and so I did and now it's going much better. She has even learned how to close her eyes and hold her breath when we're about to dunk her underwater. Such a smart baby! :) We're also getting some extra practice as Grandma has come to take her swimming on weekends.
A couple of other highlights from the past couple of weeks include some visits with friends. We visited Leo's friend Steve, his wife Luda and daughter Isabella. Isabella loved playing with Juliet. I haven't met a little girl yet that doesn't love babies. I wonder whether Juliet also will love babies some day.
Leo and Juliet while visiting Steve and his family in their lovely brand new house. |
Last week Juliet and I went on a couple of mini road trips. Leo was away on business (New York) so we thought it was good timing. One day we went to Hamilton and went fabric shopping on Hamilton's famed Ottawa Street. My aunt Cathy (Juliet's great aunt) came to help out. I had intended to put Juliet in the stroller during our shopping, but she wouldn't go for it (she needs the stroller to constantly be moving in order to be content). So I carried her around fabric shops for like 3 HOURS. She is not light - probably 18 or 19 pounds (I should check). Anyhow, we eventually found some fabric we liked and bought enough for 3 sets of curtains. Juliet did really well considering fabric shopping isn't exactly a baby-friendly activity.
The following day, Juliet and I went to Waterloo to visit Anjana, Bryce and baby Nayan. Nayan is so cute - he's so small next to Juliet. It's already hard to believe that she was ever that small. We spent the night in Waterloo and I was afraid of how Juliet would as she oftentimes doesn't sleep well when we're not at home. But she had the best sleep EVER and slept from 8:30pm until 7:15am. So that's good news that she's able to travel and sleep well away from home - especially since we're going on a sun vacation soon.
Juliet: "Oh, no....what'd I say?"
Nayan: "Waaaaaaaaaaa Waaaaaaaa" |
I know that this blog is about Juliet but it's also about our family so I'll post this pic of me and Leo when we went out for dinner and drinks last week (grandma babysat). Frankly I'm mainly posting this to remind myself what I look like without a ponytail and wearing something other than pyjamas or nursing wear.
The parents needed a night out. |
And finally, my friend Sylwia remarked the last time I saw her that I never put pictures of our cat, Butters, on the blog. So, just for you, Sylwia:
Butters has taken to lounging on Juliet's change pad. And he's no longer afraid of her which means that sometimes he gets his fur grabbed. |